Role of judicial authorities.

Role of judicial authorities

India’s courts encourage, legitimise and facilitate parental child abduction.

India’s courts rarely show any hesitation in trangressing upto the soveriegnty of other nations and usurp the powers of their courts.

If you are a parent who’s child has been abducted to India, it’s pretty much certain Indian courts will try to cover it up. On top of that they will brazenly attempt to use the child to scam the nation the child has been wrongfully removed from. India’s judicial system is up to its ears in corruption and prejudices. These forces pretty much govern the outcome of judicial proceedings more than anything else. It pretty much reflects what Indian society is.

You are guaranteed to witness such a broad range of abuse of the process of courts, it will make you wonder what is taught in the law schools of India.

This type of conduct of the courts and judicial officers is more prominently visible when it is an Indian mother involved in such wrongdoing.

Tags: judicial